Greta Gerwig

Name: Greta Gerwig ( Greta Celeste Gerwig )
Born: August 04, 1983
Age: 40 years old
Height: 172 Feet
Occupation: actress, director
Tags: actress
More info: show
  • Horoscope: Leo
  • Net worth: $4 000 000
  • Ethnicity: Mixed (German- Irish- English- Cornish)
  • Nationality: American
  • Fathers name: Gordon Gerwig
  • Mothers name: Christine Gerwig
  • Education: Barnard College
  • Hair color: Blonde
  • Eye color: Hazel
  • Match marriage: married
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    Greta Gerwig: biography

    Greta Gerwig is an American director and actress who became incredibly popular in the late 2010s thanks to her movies Lady Bird and Little Women; she has had several Oscar nominations.

    Childhood and youth

    The future artist was born on August 4, 1983, in California. The girl’s mother worked as a nurse, and the father was a credit professional; she grew up with a brother and a sister.

    Young Greta was fond of fencing, dancing, and art; she created her first scripts at school. After graduation, she continued her education at Barnard College and studied philosophy there, earning her degree in 2006.

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    Movie career

    Gerwig was going to devote her life to playwrighting but failed to get accepted to the program she wanted and switched to acting soon. She debuted in the 2006 mumblecore indie LOL; Hannah Takes the Stairs and Baghead came out later.

    The actress Greta Gerwig

    2008 brought the first contract as a director: Greta was working on another mumblecore, Nights and Weekends.

    Greenberg (2010) and Frances Ha (2012) with Adam Driver marked the first mainstream success, and popular works followed: Mistress America, The Village Bike, Maggie’s Plan. In 2016, fans saw their favorite in the biopic Jackie about the US First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy.

    Directing style

    In 2017, the director emphasized in her interview she wanted to make movies about women. She knows well what she is talking about: most of Greta’s projects are based on her personal experience; she portrays strong female characters and their formation.

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    【小婦人:這部電影,太漂亮了!】 這部經典小說的新改編版電影,真的太漂亮了。 首先,選角當然漂亮了。戲裡飾演二家姐的Saoirse Ronan很漂亮,她的長卷髮已經很有古典味,但沒想到她的短卷髮更有個性美!此外飾演大家姐的Emma Watson與四姊妹中唯一一個有英國口音的女演員Florence Pugh都同樣是美人。男角方面,新女人甜心Timothée Chalamet就不用說了,英俊瀟洒的他飾演吊兒郎當的角色,非常有說服力。 其次就是顏色。《小婦人》的攝影師與電影《Marriage Story》一樣,均用上了柯達底片,而據我觀察亦同樣是35MM的底片。攝影師應該選用了反差不強而且色彩過度較順滑的一款柯達負片。柯達獨有的微黃泛紅色溫不單很大程度地強化了電影的服飾與美術設計的顏色飽和度,亦讓觀眾有非常溫暖可人的視覺觀感。近年我看過的電影當中,視覺最溫暖與觀感最舒服的,該是這一部《小婦人》了。 《小婦人》是一個已被改編過無數遍的經典故事,你不能肆無忌憚地將故事改頭換面,而且你要讓觀眾看出你對經典故事的個人思考,並且帶來新鮮感。這是一件苦差來的,但導演Greta Gerwig卻辦到了。她以非傳統的非線式交錯故事架構來訴說四姊妹的故事,並透過精心佈置的插敘與倒敘,為老舊的故事帶來新質感,同時滿足了《小婦人》的老讀書與新觀眾。此外,她沒採用標奇立異的角度取鏡,一切皆順其自然,同時又從頭到尾把故事節奏控制在一個如流水行雲的速率。這種水平的的說故事及剪接功夫,我只能用四個字形容:心靈手巧。 《小婦人》裡的人際關係非常傳統,鄰居關係親近,家人和睦,姊妹與父母間互相愛護,世界就像童話世界般清純唯美。雖然這個世界觀與當下完全脫節,但這其實就是電影迷人之處。它除了讓我暫時與當下時局帶來的無力感切割外,亦拍出了一個你和我皆嚮往的伊甸園,因此某一刻我是看得頗為感動。經典的故事能歷久常新,是因為我們的純真往往隨著年紀慢慢丟失。 《小婦人》裡的人際關係非常傳統,鄰居關係親近,家人和睦,姊妹與父母間互相愛護,整個世界仿如童話故事般清純唯美。雖然這個世界觀與當下完全脫節,但這其實就是電影迷人之處。它能將觀眾帶進一個虛構的時空,完全與當下分割。電影除了讓我暫時與當下時局的無力感切割外,亦拍出了一個你和我都嚮往的伊甸園世界,因此某一刻我是看得頗為感動。經典的故事能歷久常新,是因為我們的純真往往隨著年紀慢慢丟失。 《小婦人》不單是一部拍得漂亮的電影,它描述的也是一個真善美的世界。這種世界觀的電影已被視作陳舊與傳統,今天不會有太多導演願意拍了,所以觀眾要好好珍惜。現在才不過是一月中旬,但2020年就已經有兩部電影成為本人年終十大電影的候選電影了,希望這一年的電影會像這部電影一樣美好。 註:如果妳家裡有姊妹或有要好閨蜜的話,這部電影適合妳們一起進電影院觀看。 (84/100) #小婦人 #LittleWomen #GretaGerwig #LouisaMayAlcott #SaoirseRonan #EmmaWatson #FlorencePugh #ElizaScanlen #LauraDern #TimothéeChalamet #MarriageStory #YorickLeSaux #不得鳥小姐 #Ladybird

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    Greta Gerwig in Little Women

    Gerwig encourages actors to insert their personalities to characters but allows little improvisation; she prefers to keep most lines the way they are in a script. One can hardly find a villain figure in Greta’s projects – there is always room for empathy.

    Personal life

    The woman met Noah Baumbach thanks to the drama Greenberg. At that moment, he was married to the actress Jennifer Jason Leigh; their divorce occurred in 2013. However, Noah and Great became partners two years before that; they have made one of the most beautiful couples in Hollywood. The directors are not married officially, so fans are looking forward to learning their marriage story in the future and seeing Noah as a good husband.

    Greta Gerwig and her partner, Noah Baumbach

    The lovers have a son together, Harold; he was born in March 2019. The celebrity has no Instagram and Twitter accounts.

    Present days

    Both critics and ordinary movie lovers welcomed Little Women enthusiastically. Gerwig not only won public recognition but also many prizes, including the Critics’ Choice Movie Awards.

    Greta Gerwig’s net worth is $4 million in 2020.


    • 2006 - LOL
    • 2008 – Yeast
    • 2008 - Nights and Weekends
    • 2009 - The House of the Devil
    • 2010 - Northern Comfort
    • 2011 – Arthur
    • 2012 - To Rome with Love
    • 2014 – Eden
    • 2015 - Portlandia
    • 2016 – Jackie
    • 2017 – Lady Bird
    • 2018 - Isle of Dogs
    • 2019 – Little Women

    Awards and nominations

    • 2012 - Dublin International Film Festival for Best Actress
    • 2017 - Independent Spirit Awards for Best Screenplay
    • 2018 - Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy
    • 2018 - Satellite Award - Auteur Award
    • 2018 – nomination for the Academy Awards for Best Director and Best Original Screenplay
    • 2019 – Critics’ Choice Movie Awards for Best Adapted Screenplay

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