Game of Thrones: 10 Most Memorable Scenes

Game of Thrones is full of bright, unforgettable and controversial scenes that made this TV-serial 100% hit. While we are agog for seeing lovely characters again, let’s refresh in our memory the unforgettable scenes with a great impact for the whole story.

1. Hold the door!

The scene with Hodor cements his position and his character in one of the noblest and lovely heroes. In this episode we become witnesses of the tragic end of Hodor’s storytelling and find out why he always says “Hodor”. Let’s review this scene and get 100% heebie-jeebies.

2. The Purple Wedding

Joffrey’s death is an inevitable and desirable end of the royal monster. And Queen of Thorns and little Finger’s conspiracy is an important moment with a great impact.

3. Tyrion’s speech

Episode with Tyrion’s trial and his speech is one of the best scenes in the whole serial and also one of the best acting, just remember: “I did not kill Joffrey, but I wish that I had! Watching your vicious bastard die gave me more relief than a thousand lying whores! I wish I was the monster you think I am! I wish I had enough poison for the whole pack of you! I would gladly give my life to watch you all swallow it!”.

4. Theon's favorite toy

The episode with Ramsay and Theon Greyjoy is really nasty, but at the same time it is a true memorable scene thanks to how it played out. Ramsay gave Theon and all audience hope when he allowed Theon.

But then he was seduced by a couple of girls and at that moment Ramsay hit Theon on the most vulnerable place - his cock. But the story didn’t finish.

Ramsay Snow ate a large sausage in each next scene pushing the audience guess whether it was “Theon’s favorite toy” or not. This is another scene which is full of cruelty and unexpected morbid sarcasm.

5. Ramsay’s end

But Theon was avenged and Ramsay received his penny-worth in the end of Battle of Bastards. The thrilling conflict finished when Ramsay was half-beaten-to-death by Jon Snow. But Sansa had much to say after months of torture by Ramsay. She said her final word and let Ramsay’s hounds face him off.

6. Tywin’s death

The other bloody scene is massacre of Tywin, the most powerful person in the Seven Kingdom by his second son, Tyrion. In this episode there was one more Shakespearean death of Shae, who Tyrion met in Tywin’s bedroom.

7. Jon Snow’s death

One of the noblest characters had rather heroic and unexpected death - few expected him to be lured out into the snow and stabbed to death by his sworn brothers.

8. Arya’s vengeance

Sometimes the author gives the audience reason for feast-pumping moments when bad guys gets what they due. Meryn Trant was in Arya’s death list for a long time before she caught him and stabbed out his eyes pronouncing typical for George Martin thrilling vengeance speech.

9. Cercei’s wildfire

If you are a queen who enough suffered and was shamed, and full of thirst for revenge, a cache of wildfire is a quick and spectacular way to get rid of all sworn enemies.

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10. The Red Wedding

The Red Wedding is the scene which made serial not only good fantasy show but a true phenomenon. One of the most important and sympathetic characters - the whole family Edmure Tully, Robb Stark, his mother, his wife, and unborn child - are slaughtered in front of each other by the Freys. George Martin says goodbye to his characters in a cruel and really sophisticated way, doesn’t he?

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