Benjamin Netanyahu

Name: Benjamin Netanyahu ( Benjamin Netanyahu )
Born: October 21, 1949
Age: 74 years old
Birthplace: Tel Aviv, Israel
Height: 5 Feet 10 Inches
Occupation: politician
Relationship Status: married Sara Netanyahu
More info: show
  • Horoscope: Libra
  • Net worth: $13 000 000
  • Ethnicity: Jewish
  • Nationality: Israeli
  • Fathers name: Benzion Netanyahu
  • Mothers name: Zila Netanyahu
  • Education: MIT Sloan School of Management; Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Cheltenham High School; Harvard University
  • Weight: 78.0
  • Hair color: Grey
  • Eye color: Hazel green
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    Benjamin Netanyahu: biography

    Benjamin Netanyahu has had a long and influential political career in Israel, having served as the country's Prime Minister for multiple terms. He first took office in 1996 and held the position until 1999, and then returned to the role in 2009, remaining in power for over a decade. In December 2022, Netanyahu once again became the Prime Minister of Israel, marking his third time in the position.

    Childhood and youth

    Benjamin Netanyahu was born on October 21, 1949, in Tel Aviv, Israel, to Benzion Netanyahu, a well-known Israeli historian and political activist, and his wife, Tzila Segal. Netanyahu's family had a strong connection to politics and Zionism, as his grandfather was a prominent Zionist rabbi and his father was a leader in the revisionist movement, which advocated for a more militant approach to the establishment of the Jewish state.

    Netanyahu spent most of his childhood in Jerusalem, where his father worked as a professor at the Hebrew University. He attended the prestigious Cheltenham College in England for a year before returning to Israel to serve in the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) as a soldier in the elite Sayeret Matkal unit. During his military service, Netanyahu was involved in several operations, including the famous 1972 rescue of hostages held by Palestinian terrorists at the Munich Olympics.

    After his military service, Netanyahu studied at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the United States, where he earned a bachelor's degree in architecture and a master's degree in business administration. He also spent time working in the private sector, including a stint as a management consultant for the Boston Consulting Group.

    Politic career

    Benjamin Netanyahu's political career began in the 1980s, when he served as Israel's ambassador to the United Nations and later as a member of the Israeli parliament, the Knesset. He quickly rose through the ranks of the right-wing Likud party, eventually becoming its leader and winning his first term as Prime Minister in 1996.

    During his first term, Netanyahu pursued a hawkish approach to Israeli security and advocated for a more aggressive stance toward the Palestinians. He oversaw the construction of settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, and his government clashed with the Palestinians over issues such as Jerusalem's status and the status of Palestinian refugees.

    Netanyahu's policies were controversial both domestically and internationally, and his government was plagued by instability and infighting. In 1999, he was defeated in a bid for reelection by Ehud Barak, a former IDF chief of staff who campaigned on a platform of peace with the Palestinians.

    After leaving office, Netanyahu continued to play a prominent role in Israeli politics. He was reelected as the leader of the Likud party in 2005 and began advocating for a more aggressive stance toward Iran, which he viewed as a major threat to Israel's security.

    In 2009, Netanyahu won his second term as Prime Minister, and he quickly set about pursuing his agenda of strengthening Israeli security and opposing the Iranian nuclear program. He clashed frequently with the administration of US President Barack Obama over issues such as settlements and the Iran deal, which Netanyahu vehemently opposed.

    During his second term, Netanyahu oversaw a period of relative stability and economic growth in Israel, but his government was also beset by corruption scandals and political turmoil. In 2015, he narrowly won reelection in a race that was widely seen as a referendum on his leadership.

    Benjamin Netanyahu with Joe Biden
    Benjamin Netanyahu with Joe Biden / Facebook

    In 2017, Netanyahu faced one of his biggest political challenges yet when police began investigating him on allegations of corruption. The investigation centered on accusations that Netanyahu had accepted lavish gifts from wealthy businessmen in exchange for political favors, and that he had colluded with a newspaper owner to promote favorable coverage of his government.

    Netanyahu denied the allegations and accused the police and the media of pursuing a politically motivated witch hunt against him. He also faced pressure from within his own party, as several senior members publicly criticized him and called for his resignation.

    Despite the scandals, Netanyahu managed to hold on to power for several more years. He won reelection in 2019, but his government was plagued by instability and he was unable to form a stable governing coalition. In 2020, after a third round of elections failed to produce a clear winner, Netanyahu's chief rival, Benny Gantz, agreed to form a unity government with him.

    The unity government was short-lived, however, and in 2021, Netanyahu faced yet another challenge as a diverse coalition of opposition parties united to form a government and oust him from power. The new government was led by Naftali Bennett, a right-wing politician who had previously served as Netanyahu's defense minister.

    Following his victory in the 2022 election, Benjamin Netanyahu was once again sworn in as Israel's Prime Minister, this time leading a hardline coalition. His sixth term officially began on December 29, 2022, marking a continuation of his long and controversial political career. Netanyahu's leadership style and policies have been highly divisive in Israel and around the world, and his return to power was met with both celebration and concern. Despite the challenges ahead, he has vowed to continue working for the benefit of the Israeli people and to address the many complex issues facing the country.

    Netanyahu's political legacy is complex and controversial. He is credited with overseeing Israel's economic growth and pursuing a tough stance on security, but he has also been criticized for his policies toward the Palestinians and his confrontational approach to the international community. His tenure as Prime Minister was marked by both achievement and controversy, and his impact on Israeli politics and society will likely be debated for years to come.

    Personal life

    Benjamin Netanyahu's personal life has been marked by both tragedy and triumph. He has been married three times and has two children from his first marriage.

    Netanyahu's first wife was Miriam Weizmann, whom he met while they were both serving in the Israeli military. They were married in 1972 and had a daughter together, Noa.

    In 1978, while still married to Miriam, Netanyahu began a relationship with Fleur Cates, a British woman he met while she was working in Israel. They got married in 1981, shortly after Netanyahu's divorce from Miriam was finalized. Their marriage lasted for seven years and they divorce in 1988.

    In 1991, Netanyahu also met his current wife, Sara Ben-Artzi. They got married in 1991, shortly after Netanyahu's divorce from Fleur had been finalized. They have two sons together: Yair and Avner. Sara is a psychologist and has been an active participant in her husband's political career, often accompanying him on official trips and events.

    Netanyahu's personal life has also been marked by tragedy. In 2012, his older brother, Yonatan, was killed during a military operation to rescue Israeli hostages in Entebbe, Uganda. Yonatan was a celebrated IDF commando and a national hero in Israel, and his death had a profound impact on Netanyahu and his family.

    Netanyahu's personal interests include literature, history, and classical music. He is a fluent speaker of English and has often used his language skills to appeal to international audiences. He has also been an avid supporter of the Boston Red Sox baseball team and has been known to wear their cap on occasion.

    Despite his successes and failures in politics, Netanyahu has remained a controversial figure in Israel and around the world. His personal life has also been subject to intense scrutiny and speculation, but he has generally kept his private life out of the public eye.

    Accomplishments and achievements

    Benjamin Netanyahu has received numerous awards and honors throughout his political career. Some of the notable awards and recognitions he has received include:

    • Legion of Merit - Awarded by the United States government in recognition of his efforts to combat terrorism.
    • Grand Cross of the Order of Isabella the Catholic - A Spanish order of chivalry awarded to him for his contributions to Israeli-Spanish relations.
    • Presidential Medal of Distinction - Israel's highest civilian honor, awarded to him by President Shimon Peres in 2012.
    • Doctor Honoris Causa - He has received several honorary doctorates from universities around the world, including Bar-Ilan University, Tel Aviv University, and the University of Haifa.
    • Golden Plate Award - He was awarded the Golden Plate Award by the American Academy of Achievement in 1998.
    • Edmund Burke Award - He was awarded the Edmund Burke Award for Service to Democracy and Freedom by the National Conservative Foundation in 2010.
    • Alexander Hamilton Award - He was awarded the Alexander Hamilton Award for Economic Policy by the Manhattan Institute in 2011.

    These are just a few examples of the awards and honors that Benjamin Netanyahu has received over the years. His accomplishments and contributions to Israeli politics have been recognized both nationally and internationally, and he remains a highly respected and controversial figure in the world of politics.

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