TOP 5 Scandalous Hollywood Celebrities

Many people want to work in the field of show business, but only the units understand how difficult it is to tolerate personalities that you don’t want to work with. Misunderstanding, hysteria, disgust, resentment – all this you can see on the set of movies in which the following celebrities were shot:

1. Edward Norton

Edward Norton earned his reputation after shooting in the movies such as: American History X, Fight Club. He is a wonderful actor who plays all his roles perfectly. But what did he do, why many producers refuse to work with him?

The fact is that Edward is very picky about himself and others. If it seemed to him that he or one of the actors played a bad role, he would insist on a double shot, even if the producer tells him that everything worked amazing.

2. Jennifer Lopez

This is another star that is very difficult to work with. During the shooting of the movie, she often makes strange demands and practically does not communicate with people, because she does not want to leave the role. So if someone has any requests for Jennifer, they should contact her personal assistant, who will give her your words at a convenient time for the star.

3. Gwyneth Paltrow

Gwyneth Paltrow is another scandalous actress with whom even her colleagues do not want to overlap. Many are annoyed by its “healthy nutrition” propaganda, which makes Paltrow even more arrogant than usual. She does not eat alcohol, coffee, potatoes, meat, tomatoes, sugar, soy. Products that the actress advises eating - you will not find in ordinary supermarkets. For example, for breakfast, she recommends eating scrambled eggs from duck eggs, and if you want to drink, coconut water will help you.

4. Julia Roberts

Julia Roberts is the main brawler of the 90s. It was at that time that she achieved success in her career, considering that working with her was a real nightmare. She harassed the movie crew with whims and demands, sabotaged the assistants and slowed down the whole process.

5. Russell Crowe

Russell Crowe is the most aggressive actor. A few years ago, he scratched the face of an employee of a hotel in New York because of the misbehavior of international communications. In November 2002, he had a fight with producer Eric Watson in a London restaurant.

Brawlers and scandals with producers and directors nearly cost Russell their entire career.

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