5 Most Desired Hollywood Actors in 2019

Many years have passed since the Lumiere brothers introduced us to the cinema, but we can no longer imagine a day without our favorite characters, romantic stories, dramatic denouements and funny characters. But, if for us the cinema has become leisure and entertainment after a hard working day, for actors the cinema is the arduous daily work.

In order to please us with new roles, the actors sometimes go to the most unpredictable measures, get fat, lose weight, cut their hair to zero or grow their hair, dyed in poisonous colors and may wear strange suits. But for us they always remain the most beautiful.

Today we will talk about the most beautiful actors in Hollywood.

1) Matt LeBlanc (1967)

Matt LeBlanc is familiar to us, primarily because of the role of the Italian actor-loser, even though not very talented, but such handsome Joey Tribbiani in the TV series "Friends." This character Matt gave 12 years of his acting, but it is not in vain. That handsome Joe became the darling of the audience of the notorious six of "Friends".

Matt LeBlanc | Instagram
Matt LeBlanc | Instagram

2) Edward Norton (1969)

Edward Norton is an American actor, film director, screenwriter and producer. He strikes the versatility of his characters. Today, he appears before us in the form of the incredible Hulk — a half-man, half-monster, and tomorrow he is already a mysterious illusionist. But behind the veil of artistry lies the charm and appeal of a charismatic man. Like many creative personalities, Edward is fond of music, writes songs and plays musical instruments.

Edward Norton | Instagram
Edward Norton | Instagram

3) Hugh Jackman (1968)

Hugh Jackman is an Australian actor, producer. Unsurpassed mutant "Wolverine" does not allow to sleep millions of women all over the planet. But, despite his wild popularity, Hugh Jackman has been living in a happy marriage with Australian actress Deborra- Lee Furness for the past 20 years. The pledge of the couple’s happy relationship lies not only in love and mutual understanding, but also in banning Deborra from shooting Hugh along with the sexiest actresses, in particular with heartbreaker Angelina Jolie.

Hugh Jackman | Instagram
Hugh Jackman | Instagram

4) Ben Affleck (1972)

Ben Affleck is an American actor, screenwriter and producer. Since childhood, Ben dreamed of getting into the world of cinema. And when in Hollywood they decided to shoot the film “Good Will Hunting” according to his script, this was his first small victory on the way to a dream. Ben Affleck had both ups and downs, both in creative life and on a personal front, but in spite of everything he remains as attractive as he was 20 years ago.

Ben Affleck | Instagram
Ben Affleck | Instagram

5) Tom Hardy (1977)

Tom Hardy is a British theater and film actor, producer, screenwriter. He is rebel and a bully, not only on the screen, but also in life. Thanks to his defiant behavior and recklessness Tom managed to gain popular recognition at the very beginning of his career. But over time, Tom died down his ardor and took the path of change, but the actor's attractiveness and sexuality only grew over the years.

Tom Hardy | Instagram
Tom Hardy | Instagram

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