10 Curious Facts About Personal Life Of Jennifer Lawrence

In October 2019, Jennifer Lawrence’s fans learned the happy news about the woman’s wedding: she married an art gallerist Cooke Maroney. The actress’s personal life has been full of adventures: the facts below will reveal some of them.

Jennifer Lawrence | eonline.com
Jennifer Lawrence | eonline.com
  1. Famous Harvey Weinstein claimed he had slept with Lawrence when she was still unknown. In 2018, an unnamed actress sued the producer for forcing her to have sex with him and said he bragged about getting Jennifer to his bed. The celebrity was furious and denied all but work-related contacts with Weinstein.
  2. In 2010, the artist began to date Nicholas Hoult, her stage partner in X-Men: First Class. They managed to move on after their split-up and continued to work on the franchise; in 2019, the actors co-starred in Dark Phoenix.
  3. Many fans believe that the Coldplay soloist Chris Martin devoted the track “Adventure of a Lifetime” to Jennifer. The couple had a short break-up and then reconciled for a while; the song was presumably written when the couple had made amends.
  4. Martin and Lawrence never spoke to journalists about their romance. However, sources close to the celebrities said the lovers’ schedules were conflicting, and Jennifer wanted more commitment than the musician was going to give. As a result, they broke up soon.
  5. The actress had a short affair with Liam Hemsworth when they were working on the sci-fi fantasy The Hunger Games. As the performer of Katniss Everdeen’s role confessed, he was too hot and kissable to resist.
  6. The creator of mother! Darren Aronofsky became the actress’s boyfriend in 2016; the director was 22 years older than Jennifer. They spent more than a year together.
  7. In 2018, the paparazzi spread the information about Lawrence’s romance with Rob Kardashian. According to OK! magazine, Kris Jenner suggested the actress should hang out with her son; Jennifer, who had split up with Aronofsky, agreed. It did not lead to anything serious, though.
  8. The artist started seeing her would-be husband in summer 2018. Cooke Maroney ran the Gladstone 64 art gallery and met Jennifer thanks to their mutual friend.
  9. Maroney is not a public figure and keeps his Instagram profile private. He can boast an impressive net worth, $25 million.
  10. The actress revealed the news about her engagement to Cooke in February 2019. The wedding was held at Rhode Island venue; Emma Stone, Sienna Miller, and Ashley Olsen were among the guests.

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